WUCC Sunday School
Here at Woodmont UCC, we welcome and embrace the diversity of all people.
That includes children!
From September through May, we have a Sunday school class where
we welcome children of all ages and abilities to join and participate.
The curriculum is age-appropriate, and follows the Revised Common
Lectionary, usually tying in with the subject of Sunday's sermons.

Our program emphasizes accompanying our young people through a journey of
discovery and curiosity as they grow deeper in the knowledge of the love of God.
We also firmly believe that young people bring their own gifts and
experiences of God, and it is an honor to meet them where they are.
We also invite parents and guardians to be participants in our Sunday School!
Adults receive weekly email updates from our teacher.
School registration paperwork is required after two visits to our church,
and per our church safety guidelines, all adults who work with children
have had background checks and church safety training.
Please see our Safe Conduct Policy for details – CLICK HERE.